The Men of 2016

Blair Bui's Men of January- a complete list and time frame, plus analysis.

***the time period does not necessarily reflect a relationship, it merely reflects the time period that Blair was talking to the guy. 

Louis Romney  (January 2nd-January 9th)- The republican, classist, sexist twenty nine year old fuckboy that made me think that we were going to be serious, and in a genuine relationship. He was a continuation of the "dating" we did from December 2nd to December 16th). The most notable thing about him was that he was "soooooo serious" that he gave me a $200 cashmere sweater (that I should have kept, tbh), and then proceeded to run away during a work dinner that I had when Kayresia asked him how serious he was. He was not.

Ted Chang (January 9th-January 18th)The architect that was too fucking serious for me. He was weird, and hands down the worst person that I have ever slept with. HE is my "courtesy removal" (the one guy you can remove from your list of partners, then reducing your count by ONE. You will have never slept with them, once decided that they are a courtesy removal). He was really annoying, really weird, and honestly, the worst. All of this was clouded by the fact that he had a dope ass apartment, and a car. I miss the car. Anyways, most notable thing about him was that he was the most annoying human in the entire world in The Art Institute, and proceeded to repulse the fuck out of me when he didn't know what pointillism was, and embarrass me in front of tiny children.

Chuck Cuevas  (January 18th-February 28th)- The quite possibly insane, "love" of my life, ex-boyfriend that I was potentially going to get back together with. We both decided it would be best to stay friends, as he is going to essentially be alone, and riding solo. I could go on endlessly, but I won't. Most notable thing about him is that he is possibly crazy.

Rafael Mancilla ♥ (January 31st-February 9th)Long story short, he was this hot guy that I met on Tinder, he was funny, cute, and charming. He magically had kidney problems, cancelled our first date. We met up regardless, accidentally slept together, and then he ghosted me. Most notable thing about him was that he joked about ghosting me, and then actually did it. Funny how that works.

Ezra (February 9th-February 12th)- Flirted with Ezra a couple times, and we went on a date, then decided that we were better off as platonic friends. He was uneventful, not very relevant.

Target Guy (February 13th-February 15th)- Basically, he spontaneously asked me out at Target, we went on one date that was weird and terrible. He tried to drag me to his place after, and during our date he told me that he fucked a fifteen year old.

Tinder Guy #3 (February 17th-February 22nd)- Louis Romney's class hater and fellow classmate, he was a nice guy and pretty decent, although kind of weird. He too was also incredibly into me, although honestly, I just didn't feel anything. He wasn't that notable.

Tinder Guy #3, OR Johnson Baker (February 17th-February 22nd)- Louis Romney's class hater and fellow classmate, he was a nice guy and pretty decent, although kind of weird. He too was also incredibly into me, although honestly, I just didn't feel anything. He wasn't that notable. UPDATE: After a month later, I tried to be friends with him, and he just ended up being salty the entire time about me not wanting to date him and not being attracted to him. Most notable thing about him is that for the entire walk from Water Tower Place to City Target he nonstop asked me why I didn't like him and why I wasn't attracted to him. He is a gremlin man-child.

Carter Chavez  (March 1st-March 18th)- Regina's ex-flame that I met in my Cellular Biology class. He was cocky, super hot, and loved to play games. I eventually got tired of his games, and decided not to see him anymore.

Jason  (March 12th-March 21st)- The Shy Guy- a med student that I had a super irrational crush on, and thought was McDreamy as fuck. He turned out to be a douche lord, and I embarrassed myself in front of his entire class when I drunkenly tried to put the moves on him.

Derek (March 28th-April 3rd)- The guy from three years ago, if this was a romantic comedy, we would have ended up together. After three years of anticipation, the date (among other things) went flat, and was honestly disappointing.

Chuck  (April 21st-July 3rd)- Many ups, and even more lows. Eventually realized that although I had matured and grown a lot since we broke up...he had not.

Barrett (June 6th-June 10th)- Guy from Bumble that was super into me, we never went on a date.

Nash (June 9th-June 12th)- The guy from Fannie May that asked me on out on a date, and ended up being a total weirdo. He is the first guy that I had to turn down in person, and I low key had a total meltdown on Oak Street Beach.

Rafael Mancilla (July 6th-present)Not dating- just casually hooking up.

♥ = actually liked

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