Hi, Brat

Thursday, May 5, 2016

“We must never forget our teachers, our lecturers and our mentors. In their individual capacities have contributed to our academic, professional and personal development.” 
-Lailah Gifty


I work at a hospitality house part-time, and of the things I love about it is all the great people that I get to meet. There's definitely been some crazy stories, and some tricky people- but all in all, I love it. One of these crazy people, who is also the greatest person I have met working here, is this strong, tough, bad-ass, sassy AF grandma, named Anna. We email- and here are some of them.


Hello Anna,
Just wanted to send an email to check up on you, and see how you've been doing! How is the granddaughter, and your PIL, Bruce?

I've been talking to Chuck again recently, things have been great, but I've been treading carefully (can't be too easy to get right? :) ). He's interning at the University of Illinois Hospital this summer, so he will be around... and you can meet and interrogate/grill/question him as needed. How could I date someone without letting my bestie meet him? Hahaha.

On to more important things besides boys, hahaha. My business is running decently- I'm at the point where I'm trying to pull in clients and gain momentum. Although I only have a few (I have a funny story about one of them that I'll tell you in a bit!), I'm motivated, determined, and driven- and that's what this whole thing has been running on! Even though I'm not rolling in dough, it's okay, the few people that I make a difference with make it worth it. It brings me a certain kind of happiness knowing that I can help people, especially through something as tough as the dissolution of a long-term relationship or infidelity.

Funny/terrible story about one of my clients: My very first client was this boy, named Kevin who was an absolute disaster, he literally locked himself in his room and cried and starved for days before he obviously and awkwardly made it clear that he needed help on social media. I offered him my services, I talked to him, and helped him get through all of this, and out of the pit he had fallen in. It made me really happy to see that I was able to help someone (which is why I started the company), and it made me overjoyed when he told me that he felt genuinely excited for what the future held for him, for the first time in forever, because of the help I gave him. I told him everything that I wished someone had told me- and it had made a significant difference. That's what inspired me to do all of this, I thought that if I helped him, even if I didn't gain anything monetary from it...I could help other people. So, I hired (aka they work for free because they are my friends) a business consultant and a legal consultant (can't get sued!), and I started it.

After a couple sessions of counseling, Kevin started getting weird. As in, he tried to spit game with me, and thought that I would sleep with him. Ew. I turned him down, and told him that he couldn't be one of our clients anymore, and then the next day, he announced that he was starting his own relationship consultation firm....with advice that he claimed he accumulated from "years of experience." BS, he used the advice he stole from me! What an asshole.

But you can't let people stop you from succeeding or getting what you want, ESPECIALLY MEN. And if anyone's taught me that, it's you. So, I keep on running my business like nothing's wrong- I even ordered business cards! If you want some, please tell me and I'll mail them to you :)

I miss you, and Cora misses you! I even think our boss does too. Come back soon. The office is so empty without your warm, passionate, and sassy heart.

XX Blair

PS- I am going to think of a sassy nickname for you.


Hi Brat:  It was so good hearing from you and I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you.  I've been busy.  Yesterday I went to a bridal shower and brought 2 giveaway gifts and the potato salad.  I make dynamite potato salad.  It started at 11am and I had to get up at 7am to get there.  I'm not used to getting up so early and my body was very angry at me and kept me in the bathroom for a good hour.  I decided not to eat anything.  I gave her a $50.00 money tree.  it was very cute.  The wedding is June 4th and Fiona's invited. She said she may go.  I personally don't quite understand how, but it's up to her.  Hmmmm----I wonder how she's going to pay for the airline tickets!  it's amazing that she's feeling ber than I thought.  She's not complaining as much as I expected.  She knows how much i worry and want to make everything better and it drives her crazy!

While I was there, I just want you to know that if it wasn't for you and Cora, I  wouldn't have made it.  I was soooo depressed and couldn't wait to get away from her.  I'm better off with her being at a distance.  She said I could come there in July and August.  Hmmmm.....That's way too long and it sounds like she's giving me permission.  I told her that when she needs me, I'll be there, so I'm better off not going there and have her berate me.  It took me a good nth to get back to normal mentally after i left there.  WOW, that was a trip from hell!

I'm glad to hear that your business is taking off.  I know you're good at what you do and in time you'll have a huge practice.  There's no doubt. 

As for trusting men, don't let me create negative thoughts in your head.  Not all men are users.  Bruce is a swetie and cares a lot about me.  he's constantly worried because of what i went throuogh.  You're still young and your "Mr. Wonderful" will come along.  Just go out, use the men for a free meal (without having sex with each and everyone of them) and enjoy yourself.  A good meal is worth small talk.  Bring your gucci purse and if he's got any class, he'll know you don't just settle and he'll have to step up.  He's got to know your fussy and he's got to meet your standards.  He's ouot there.

Got to go get dressed as Stein Mart is having a sale on bathing suits and I can't go undressed.

Love you and Cora

Anna-Queen Ma-Ma!


Hi Brat:  It sounds like you're a busy girl.  You keep mentioning Chuck but youo didn't tell me how you met him and how you feel about him.  Hmmmm-do you feel tingles?  Fiona already has 3 chairs.  What kind of arm chair did she get and which one was replaced.  I don't think she misses me.  if she did, she'd ask to to come up and she hasn't.  She's a phoney so you don't really know if she's happy just because she LOOKS like it.  What is Culinary Care?  Is it a free care service that provides Free meals to cancer patients?

Potato salad consists of naturally potatoes, hard boiled eggs, relish, pickles and pickle juice, celery (optional) and mayo.  of course Salt and pepper.  that's about it. 

I'm getting a lot of rest but am not ready to go back to chicago.  It's in the 90's here and in the 40's there.  Would youo want to go back?  In addition, (Fiona doesn't know) David and his daughter (17 months) are coming on Saturday for a week and I can't wait to eat her up.  She's so adorable.  It's really a shame because Fiona has never seen her because she hates her brother.  Fiona doesn't forgive or forget.  What a shame!  Don't tell her aboout David.  She doesn't even acknowledge he's her brother.  Breaks my heart, but she's stubborn!  You'd think that having cancer wouldhave her resolve her issues, but not my daughter.  She's very much like her father.  2 faces!!!

My mother had a hysterectomy and I had 2 kids and adopted one.  One shot and I was good for 9 months.  Fiona had her eggs frozen and her insurance paid for it.  Check with your insurance to see if they cover it.  Just in case.

Let's go back to Chuck!  He takes good care of you and is attentive.  You wouldn't even look at him if he wasn't good looking so that problem is solved.  If you feel tingles, he may be the right one.  I like the fact that he's good to you and treats you well.  How old is he?  Is he Vietnamese?  Does he cook?  Does he want children?  You hve to be friends before you become lovers so go slow.  Good luck with your studies.  knowing you, you'll do well.  What year are you in?

Love you!  Anna


Hi Anna- it's great to hear from you!

Chuck and I dated for about a year and a half, but then we both got busy (school, work, life) so we decided to take a break- we both had to grow in a lot of ways. I used to be really bratty and kind of (really really) bitchy, impatient, etc, and he used to be kind of a pushover. But it didn't matter- because he's always been one of my best friends, he always looks out for me and makes sure that I'm safe and alright (you should have heard him worry when I walked home from the library last night at 2 am!) I think that the little break was a good thing, we've both grown and matured a lot- and get along even better than we did before (and I didn't think that was possible!) I always feel tingles with him, and I think that's part of the reason why I felt like I was missing something with everyone else! Cora thinks he's great, Susan does too, and obviously I do too. I love talking to him, and hanging out with him, and even though I consider myself highly independent, it's nice to have someone to look out for me, and take care of me....even when I'm being a stubborn bitch.

He is my age- his birthday is literally the day before mine. He is Hispanic, a Bio-Engineer, and he wants to go into prosthetics. He is very intelligent, and extremely, extremely intelligent. That's how we met, actually. He tutored me in Calculus when I took in in... 2014? The funny thing is, I said that I was never date him, when I first met him, because he was "awkward and skinny," but I found myself falling for him because he looks at me like no other guy does, and treats and talks to me like I'm the greatest thing ever. Cora says the way he looks out for me is very sweet, and that with a strong personality like I have, I need him to balance me out. She also told me when she first met him, she didn't expect him to look like he does, because he's different from my type. Actually, a lot of people say that, but it's okay- because he's great! (I'll attach photos)

Culinary Care offers free meals to cancer patients, they even delivered it here for Andrea! Jan says their food is really good, and they work with restaurants and other places to provide the food. (http://culinarycare.org/)

There's this potato salad from this sandwich shop by my school that is PHENOMENAL. Best I've had in my life- when you come, I will bring you some. It's amazing. It's cold now, but summer is coming- it'll be REALLY nice outside!

My mother got her hysterectomy because of her uterine fibroids- she has non-malignant tumors, and they were affecting her hormonally in different ways, so she had to get the surgery to remove them. I have to get a hysterectomy eventually, because the doctors say I'm at high-risk to have the same tumors she did. Cervical cancer runs in my family as well. I'll check with my insurance! Chuck is coming with me when I get tested in June or July.

He wants kids. I cried when I first found out that there was a chance I couldn't have kids, and he told me that it was okay and that we'd figure it out. He said that he knows I really want children, and that ultimately, it's my choice, and he would support whatever means I want to have kids. We both would want a boy and a girl. I like the names Penelope, Blake, and Charlotte. Chuck hates all those names, hahahaha.

He is a terrible cook, but I am a phenomenal one. He knows that too, so he does dishes, sets the table, takes out the trash, etc.

I'm glad your son is coming- it's a shame he and Fiona don't get along. My brother and I are very close- I think he is dating this new boy, but he won't tell me. He says he has news to tell Chuck though (and Chuck will tell me hahaha).

I just finished my third year!

They're opening a Saved By The Bell themed restaurant in Chicago (PRICEY- it's $35 per person!!!), and they were hiring people to work there- basically it's like a "show," so they wanted pictures with my resume when I applied. They said they liked what they saw on my resume, and they want me to come in for an interview. Chuck says that although I have an extensive resume, and am highly qualified, a big part of why they want me is probably because they liked the pictures I sent in. I think he's correct, because they wouldn't give interviews to a LOT of people. And the restaurant is supposed to be like a "show," and they said they want to hire people that have the "look." I am flattered on one end, but also offended on how unfair it is that they are turning down candidates... I have an interview this week.

I hope you're resting, and that you're doing well!!! Love you too.


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