Let Us Begin

Monday, January 25, 2016

 “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
Mother Teresa


I decided against finishing the Chuck story- because we all know what happened, Chuck and I ended up spending the night together, and there was a chance that we would get back together and whatnot...and we snuck around together even though we had no idea what was going to happen or where we were at.

And then, last night, after yelling at each other, crying and talking, the story of Chuck and Blair has finally ended, as we are officially not getting back together. I thought that I would have been devastated in the following days, but I am alright. I think it was the closure that I finally needed to move on with my life- when I woke up today, the sun shone a bit brighter, and my mind was clearer than it had been in a long, long time. I am never going to forget the time that Chuck and I shared- the things he made me feel and the way I felt about him. I'll forever cherish these memories that we  have, all the times he held my hand or kissed me, when he held me when I was sad, and all the late night laughter and 3 am dreaming we did. And even though our relationship was very special, I believe that our friendship will even be more special.

It is a new day, a new beginning, and a new stage of my life. And all I had to do to begin it, was finally let the past go.

That story of Chuck and Blair is complete, but the book isn't closed, the story hasn't ended. In a way, it has just begun.

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